Behind the Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids – Considering the Advantages and Disadvantages

When it’s time to select a new hearing aid, you’ll find that there are many styles and types to choose from. Among the most common styles is the behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid, which like any other device has a variety of pros and cons. Continue reading for details that will help you decide if a behind-the-ear hearing aid is suitable for you.

The design of BTE hearing aids makes them easier to identify than most other types. The first thing you’ll recognize is a compact, curved plastic case that rests in back of the ear and is connected to another component placed inside the ear. The main components of the hearing aid are located within this case. This part (typically called the case) holds all the batteries and electronics required for the hearing aid to work, and also the control buttons that enable the wearer to select program and features. The part located inside the ear is termed the ear mold. Ear molds are meticulously customized for each individual, making them a comfortable way to conduct sounds from the case to the ear.

BTE hearing aids have a number of distinct strengths. Because the BTE is larger than other styles, it holds larger batteries, enabling stronger amplification and longer battery life. The larger size of the BTE also enables more additional features, including Bluetooth, directional microphones and telecoil. These units are usually easier to handle compared to their smaller counterparts, making battery replacement and cleaning less difficult.

With regards to drawbacks, the most significant complaint against BTE hearing aids is their visual appearance. It is extremely hard to conceal the fact that you are wearing a hearing aid if you choose to use a BTE. For people who want to disguise the fact that they’re wearing a hearing aid, it’s possible to conceal them by buying a case colored to match their complexion. The BTE hearing aid is also more susceptible to wind noise, but many models have features that help counteract this problem.

If it sounds as if benefits of behind-the-ear hearing aids outnumber the drawbacks, you may have found the ideal to suit your needs. Consult your hearing healthcare specialist to find out more about behind-the-ear hearing aids.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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