ENT Health Blog

What Can You Expect to Discover From a Hearing Test?

The majority of people aren’t proactive about the health of their hearing and probably haven’t had a hearing screening since grade school because it’s generally not part of a routine adult physical. The good news: Hearing tests are simple, painless, and provide a wealth of insight to professional hearing specialists, both for identifying hearing problems […]

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Comprehending the Connection Between Nutrition and Hearing Health

When we were younger, we often ignored the long-term health consequences of what we ate, we were more interested in taste and instant gratification. However, as older people, we’ve come to realize that what we eat profoundly impacts our well-being in surprising ways. One surprising way poor nutrition can have negative consequences, according to recent […]

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Preventing Noise-Related Hearing Loss

From sporting events to family get-togethers to fireworks shows to motorcycle rides, summer is filled with enjoyable activities. And while most of these activities are safe, many can present hidden risks to your hearing health. Over time, the loud noises that come with some of these experiences can result in permanent hearing damage. This hearing […]

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People Who Ride Motorcycles Have a Higher Risk of Hearing Loss

Motorcycle enthusiasts frequently mention the thrill of speed and the love for the open road as the primary reasons behind their enthusiasm. However, if you’re an avid rider, you should be aware of a substantial risk: research has connected this exhilarating hobby to permanent hearing damage. An in depth study carried out by a notable […]

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How to Make Summer Social Activities Easier With Hearing Loss

Summer is synonymous with sunshine, relaxation, and plenty of social events. But enjoying these summer events can be a real challenge for people who have hearing loss. Don’t worry though, even if you have hearing loss, you can still enjoy summer fun. Get the most out of summer with these worthwhile tips Manage your summer […]

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Hearing Loss and Hypertension

Did you know that high blood pressure can also increase your risk of developing age-related hearing loss? Age-related hearing loss typically begins to manifest in your 40s, 50s, or 60s. Your symptoms might progress slowly and be mostly invisible, but this type of hearing loss is permanent. Years of noise damage is typically the cause. […]

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Is Your Forgetfulness The Result of Hearing Loss?

Your entire life can be impacted by age-related hearing loss. Not only is your ability to hear impacted, but so too are your social life, your professional networks, and even your cognitive abilities. Over time, hearing loss can intensely impact how your brain works in ways that immediately impact your mood, your memory, and more. […]

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Is Your Environment The Source of Your Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is an exceptionally common condition of the ear. It’s one of the most prevalent health conditions in the world with some estimates suggesting that up to 10 percent of the population experiences it at one time or another. Even though the most common manifestation of tinnitus is a phantom ringing or buzzing in your […]

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