How Hearing Loss Can Affect Your Holiday Gatherings

When you are settling in to enjoy the holidays, most people will be meeting with family and friends, both old and new. While this is not a problem for people who have normal levels of hearing, for the hearing impaired it can be a severe inconvenience as well as a medical issue. Throughout this article […]

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How Hearing Aids Are Programmed

For many years, people have been using hearing aids to supplement their hearing abilities. While they may not look like it from the outside, hearing aids are one of the most complex devices that are used in everyday medicine. That is why they need the skilled hands of an audiologist to get the most out […]

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New Studies Link Hearing Loss and Depression

If you are a person that is suffering from hearing loss, then you may want to pay more attention to what is going on with your hearing. You may be aware that hearing loss rarely limits itself to dulling your abilities to pick up sound, but now there is evidence that suggests that hearing loss […]

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Want to Ward Off Hearing Loss? Eat Much Healthier

While there are proven benefits to foods like fish, dark chocolate, fruits and vegetables you’re your overall health, they also offer extra benefits of improving your hearing health and curbing hearing damage. You may know that hearing health goes down as you age, making you more likely to have hearing damage. But did you know […]

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What is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)?

Feelings of vertigo, dizziness, and loss of balance are more prevalent than most people realize; 42% of the American population (90 million people) experience this at least once during their lifetime, and for many the condition becomes chronic. In the elderly, dizziness is the most common reason that people over 75 visit a doctor, and […]

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Discover the Right Way to Clean the Ears and Dissolve Wax

Blockage of the outer ear canal due to an accumulation of ear wax is one of the most typical causes of short-term hearing loss. If you’re relatively certain that ear wax is the cause of your temporary hearing loss, you most likely want to clean your ears. Even so, you must clean them safely and […]

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How is Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) Diagnosed and What Treatments are Available?

Central Auditory Processing Disorder, or CAPD, is a challenging condition to diagnose accurately for several good reasons. Conventional hearing tests don’t always detect CAPD because the disorder stems from the brain, not the ears. Youngsters with CAPD can hear spoken phrases and sounds, especially speech, but their brains incorrectly process the auditory signals sent by […]

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Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Essentials – An Overview of Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Patients with vertigo mistakenly experience movement (commonly a spinning motion) in their surroundings. Vertigo can hinder balance, causing falls which can be serious among older adults, and may be accompanied by dizziness, a feeling that you’re spinning or falling, and in serious cases migraine headaches, nausea, vomiting, an inability to see properly (nystagmus), as well […]

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A Ruptured Eardrum: What Is It and How to Treat It

Eardrums are very important, playing two very important roles in hearing. First they vibrate when sound waves strike them. Second they establish a barrier that safeguards the inner ear from infection. Whenever your eardrum is intact, your inner ear is basically a safe and sterile environment; but when it has been perforated or torn, microbes […]

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Swimmer’s Ear Prevention and Symptoms

Acute external otitis is an infection of the outer ear canal – the portion outside your eardrum. Virtually all people recognize it by its common name – swimmer’s ear. The familiar name swimmer’s ear comes from the fact that the problem is commonly linked to swimming. Anytime water collects in the outer ear it creates […]

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