It seems like we’re constantly trying to stay youthful. From gym memberships to Botox to wrinkle cream to special diets, we spend countless hours every day doing everything we can to slow down the aging process. And yet, even with all that effort (and all those hours), the one thing that may actually work, we tend to avoid: wearing ear protection.
Most people most likely think of hearing loss as inevitable as we get older. But it’s not that easy. By protecting your ears (and treating them with some kindness along the way), you can help avoid damage and keep your hearing in great shape. And great hearing can have significant anti-aging benefits as the years go on.
Aging And Hearing
The actual passage of time is not generally what we are making reference to when we speak of aging. Instead, certain emotional, mental, and physical changes are indications that someone is getting older. Pain in your joints is a great example of this. When your knees start to bother you, you may relate that with “growing old”. But it’s not age alone that leads to the problem (your everyday 5-mile run may have something to do with it, also).
The same is true of many types of hearing loss. There’s a build-up of damage as you grow older. The build-up of damage, in most instances, is the actual cause of hearing degeneration. And that’s when things can start to grow out of control. Several other indications of aging have been linked to hearing loss:
- Self isolation from friends and family can be the consequence of neglected hearing loss.
- Occasionally, issues such as insomnia and memory loss, can be triggered by the mental strain of attempting to hear. And, in a particularly intense way, that can make you feel like you are getting old.
- Studies have shown a robust connection between untreated hearing loss, anxiety, and depression.
- When hearing impairments are unnoticed and untreated they can sometimes accelerate the onset of other mental health problems, including dementia.
What to do About Age Related Hearing Loss
When you combat the “signs of aging” in your ears, you’re actually placing a focus on controlling damage. And it’s fortunate that we can achieve that using several methods. Here are some things you can do:
- Raise your awareness. You can still suffer harm to your hearing even if sounds aren’t painfully loud. Your hearing can also be injured by moderate noise if you are exposed to it for long time periods.
- If you happen to work in a somewhat noisy setting, wear hearing protection. With modern quality ear muffs, loud noises are filtered out while voices are still able to be heard with clarity.
- Steer clear of loud noises as much as possible. And when you can’t avoid high volume areas, use hearing protection. So when you go to that concert with your favorite band, be certain to wear earplugs.
Your ears can be safeguarded by all of these steps. But there’s one more action you can take to keep your ears in good shape: make an appointment with us for a hearing examination. Catching hearing loss before it’s perceptible can be achieved by having regular examinations. Even if your hearing is perfectly normal, a screening will still be able to provide a useful baseline to compare against future results.
Wear Hearing Aids to Keep Your Ears Healthy
The world we live in can be loud. Your ability to protect against damage is essential, but you might ultimately detect some hearing loss even with your best efforts. If that’s the case, it’s vital that you seek help as soon as possible. Some of the age related issues linked to hearing loss can be avoided with a quality pair of hearing aids.
You can maybe consider hearing aids as a facelift for your ears: something to make your ears to work a little more youthfully. And that can help keep depression, dementia, and other issues at bay. The example isn’t ideal, as hearing aids are essential and a facelift isn’t, but you get the point. You might look younger if you use wrinkle cream. But your best choice, if want to feel younger, is to take care of your hearing loss and protect your ears.