What is Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)?

Feelings of vertigo, dizziness, and loss of balance are more prevalent than most people realize; 42% of the American population (90 million people) experience this at least once during their lifetime, and for many the condition becomes chronic. In the elderly, dizziness is the most common reason that people over 75 visit a doctor, and […]

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Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Essentials – An Overview of Signs, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Patients with vertigo mistakenly experience movement (commonly a spinning motion) in their surroundings. Vertigo can hinder balance, causing falls which can be serious among older adults, and may be accompanied by dizziness, a feeling that you’re spinning or falling, and in serious cases migraine headaches, nausea, vomiting, an inability to see properly (nystagmus), as well […]

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